Perl, Sendmail and Other System Paths
When installing a CGI program on your site, you may be asked the
location of one or more of the system programs. Below is a list of
the more common programs needed. Remember that you can always find
out the location by typing: "which propgram_name" from the
commandline. Substitute 'program_name' with the file you are looking
Perl: /usr/bin/perl (called as: #!/usr/bin/perl)
Sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
Date: /bin/date
Tar: /usr/bin/tar
Also, when installing CGI programs you should note that for security
reasons, we run suexec with the Webserver. This means that CGIs
executed are run under your user_id. Since you will never run your
CGIs as the Webserver (user: www), you will NEVER need
to set permissions on your files to 777 or World Writable. Infact, if
you do this, your programs will not run.
You should be sure that your programs are not set to be writable by
the World or Group... only the User will need write permissions.
Set your CGI permissions to: "chmod 755 your.cgi" (replace 'your.cgi'
with your program's filename).
A safe bet would be to set permissions:
chmod -R g-w *